Proper maintenance of a solar power plant can help maximize uptime and extend the plant's lifespan. Uninterrupted solar energy supply maintains the economic value generated by each kilowatt-hour of production, and adequate service is critical to ensuring optimal performance while minimizing downtime risks. A well-maintained solar installation can operate 10% to 30% better than one that lacks maintenance. Installing solar panels is just the beginning. Without proper operation and maintenance, system components may lack the assurances of a reliable power generation system.
Proper maintenance of a solar power plant can help maximize uptime and extend the plant's lifespan. Uninterrupted solar energy supply maintains the economic value generated by each kilowatt-hour of production, and adequate service is critical to ensuring optimal performance while minimizing downtime risks. A well-maintained solar installation can operate 10% to 30% better than one that lacks maintenance. Installing solar panels is just the beginning. Without proper operation and maintenance, system components may lack the assurances of a reliable power generation system.
Maintenance Requirements
Maintenance requirements for a solar plant should be discussed before construction begins. The site manager must oversee maintenance and the ordering of spare parts and equipment, ensure there are suppliers for parts and replacements, and maintain an adequate inventory to comply with the maintenance plan. Additionally, it is possible to contract plant maintenance services through a third party to help prevent unnoticed problems and avoid future issues. Typically, a site manager and project technicians work on-site where the plant is installed.
A solar power plant requires high-quality maintenance, which means having a team of engineers and technicians on-site dedicated to actively monitoring the quality and performance of the solar project with effective maintenance. If third-party services are contracted, maintenance contracts should be signed, ensuring they meet the specific goals and needs of the plant.
Services to Include in Any Maintenance Contract:
Other Services May Include:
Solar power plants are increasingly using plant maintenance applications like EasyMaint and monitoring services to proactively detect system faults and evaluate the financial benefits of service and maintenance by weighing repair costs against lost energy value. For example, some applications can monitor systems in real-time and even archive data for a minimum of 20 years. This allows plant owners and managers to make informed decisions regarding operational and maintenance expenses. This aligns with a trend towards predictive maintenance, rather than reactive. Annual or semi-annual diagnostics and preventive maintenance address potential issues and ensure the system continues to operate as designed. Among reactive, preventive, and predictive maintenance, predictive offers the best balance between failure and maintenance costs.