If someone asked you about your commercial maintenance plan, what would you say? Do you have an adequate one? Is it working? How are you tracking it? What’s your ROI each year?
If someone asked you about your commercial maintenance plan, what would you say? Do you have an adequate one? Is it working? How are you tracking it? What’s your ROI each year?
These are questions faced by various companies with and without maintenance plans, so here are the top 10 ROI statistics to give you an insight into how they can help your business save on costs such as training, documentation, and energy, among others.
How Much Do You Want to Protect Your Business?
Proper infrastructure is related to the initial plans to maintain it. The 80/20 rule is a great reference: 80 percent of your maintenance activities should be proactive, while 20 percent should address unplanned maintenance tasks.
If a company constantly waits for items to run out, the outcome will be spending more money to fix the problem rather than maintaining it. This is the curse of “why fix something if it’s not broken?” People often think about the initial cost instead of the long-term benefits of using a CMMS.
For example, if a staff member does not regularly check for corrosion on a unit using a CMMS, there’s a good chance the unit will break down unexpectedly, and the repair cost will be higher than if there were an adequate maintenance plan in place.
10 Maintenance ROI Statistics
Maintenance encompasses various business assets including: training, documentation, and utilities. Here are the top 10 ROI statistics for maintenance:
Turning ROI Statistics into Reality
Even in a small business, there can be many paper documents, assets, etc., that need to be tracked, which takes a lot of time. Relying solely on a paper-based system is impractical in today’s world, especially when software makes it easier. The idea is to work harder and smarter. Work harder on a maintenance plan and smarter by delegating tasks. Maintenance and inspection are critical parts of a company’s success.
The solution lies in implementing a CMMS that preserves assets, keeps things running optimally, and helps ensure assets have the maximum lifespan. This system will also help manage anticipated failures, allowing your staff to budget and plan while saving time and money in the short and long term.